Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here come the Lacy Baby Cardigan

So the Lacy Baby Cardigan is finally out in September issue of Creative Knitting. Very excited about that... so those of you who would like to check it out, here is the link...

Now just need to wait for my other design....

so what's going on with me... yes, I am working on my daughter's cardigan.. and getting a little stress a couple days ago because I miscalcuated the amount of yarn that I would need and the yarn that I used is being discountinuing by the company... so thank god for googles, I was managed to find the same yarn but mostly would not be same dye lot.. but it should work out find.. now I can't wait to get the yarn and finish the cardi since the weather is getting a little bit chilly in the morning...

stay tune for the pic!